
Lirik Lagu The Reason I Hate Home - Munn

Selamat membaca serta menyanyikan lirik lagu The Reason I Hate Home yang dibawakan oleh Munn. Dukung terus penyanyi idolamu untuk terus berkarya dengan cara tidak mendownload ataupun mengunduh lagu yang mereka miliki secara ilegal. Sebagai gantinya kamu dapat mendengarkan lagu mereka melalui layanan-layanan streaming online seperti Youtube, Spotify dan Joox.

Informasi Lirik Lagu

Judul laguThe Reason I Hate Home
SongwriterZachary Munn

Lirik Lagu The Reason I Hate Home by Munn

You're the reason I hate home
You're the reason I hate home

I still don't how to reconcile what you did
And it kills me now
Just to watch you walk around so innocent
You're a criminal
But god help me if you ever came running back
'cause too much on me still lives
And hopes to rebuild what we had

You're the reason I found
Hope in times when I was at my low
But you left me here with
Nothing but me myself and your ghost
You're the reason I hate homе

And I can't be here now
You haunt thеse streets and you ruined this town
Whatever's left just tear it down and go
You're the reason I hate home

Is that all it took for you to erase me?
A month of time
When I gave you everything for three years of mine
You wronged me
And now I have no choice but to go
Cause it hurts too much
To see your world in flames I once called home

You're the reason I found
Hope in times when I was at my low
But you left me here with
Nothing but me myself and your ghost
You're the reason I hate home

And I can't be here now
You haunt these streets and you ruined this town
Whatever's left just tear it down and go
You're the reason I hate home

I hate home
You're the reason I hate home

And I can't be here now
You haunt these streets and you ruined this town
Whatever's left just tear it down and go
You're the reason I hate home
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