
Lirik Lagu Lose You - Cheat Codes and Jimmie Allen

Selamat membaca serta menyanyikan lirik lagu Lose You yang dibawakan oleh Cheat Codes and Jimmie Allen. Dukung terus penyanyi idolamu untuk terus berkarya dengan cara tidak mendownload ataupun mengunduh lagu yang mereka miliki secara ilegal. Sebagai gantinya kamu dapat mendengarkan lagu mereka melalui layanan-layanan streaming online seperti Youtube, Spotify dan Joox.

Informasi Lirik Lagu

Judul laguLose You
PenyanyiCheat Codes, Jimmie Allen

Lirik Lagu Lose You by Cheat Codes and Jimmie Allen

Been on both sides of a heartbreak
I try to do right with some wrong things
I been through hell and back again
Fought for us and lost some friends
Just to find where I should've been
All I know is in the end

Gonna love you like I'll lose you
Gonna love you like I'll lose you
And just like every single night is the last one
And every kiss is too
Gonna love you like I'll lose you
But girl I'll never lose you no

Look up at the stars girl we're written in
Stayin' lost in your eyes oh I never knew
And girl we're winning with the cards we were handed
I swear I'm never gonna take you for granted
No I'm never gonna take you for granted no

Gonna love you like I'll lose you
Gonna love you like I'll lose you
And just like every single night is the last one
And every kiss is too
Gonna love you like I'll lose you
But girl I'll never lose you no

But girl I'll never lose you
Gonna love you like I'll lose you
But girl I'll never lose you

Every single day every single night
I'ma do my best to get it right
Every single day every single night
Baby for the rest of our lives

Gonna love you like I'll lose you
Gonna love you like I'll lose you
But girl I'll never lose you no
But girl I'll never lose you
Gonna love you like I'll lose you
But girl I'll never lose you no
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