
Lirik Lagu Run Back To You - LAY and Lauv

Selamat membaca serta menyanyikan lirik lagu Run Back To You yang dibawakan oleh LAY and Lauv. Dukung terus penyanyi idolamu untuk terus berkarya dengan cara tidak mendownload ataupun mengunduh lagu yang mereka miliki secara ilegal. Sebagai gantinya kamu dapat mendengarkan lagu mereka melalui layanan-layanan streaming online seperti Youtube, Spotify dan Joox.

Informasi Lirik Lagu

Judul laguRun Back To You
PenyanyiLAY, Lauv

Lirik Lagu Run Back To You by LAY and Lauv

I always wake up in the deep end
Why do I do this every weekend?
I guess I should've kept up my defense alright
We always say that we should be friends then cross the line

You say eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh let's play it safe
I say eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh yeah that's okay
Next day eh eh eh eh eh eh eh back at my place
I say I'll give you space
No way eh eh eh eh

All I do is run back to you
Why we keep making the same mistakes?
Cross my heart and come back to you
Why we keep making the same mistakes?

Ooh oooh oooh oooh
Ooh oooh oooh oooh
Same mistakes
Ooh oooh oooh oooh
Ooh oooh oooh

Our friends say that it's a problem
Guess that's the reason that we lost them
We swear that we don't do this often alright
Next day we mixing gin and toxic without the lights

You say eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh let's play it safe
I say eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh yeah that's okay
Next day eh eh eh eh eh eh eh back at my place
I say I'll give you space
No way eh eh eh eh

All I do is run back to you
Why we keep making the same mistakes?
Cross my heart and come back to you
Why we keep making the same mistakes?

Ooh oooh oooh oooh
Ooh oooh oooh oooh
Same mistakes
Ooh oooh oooh oooh
Ooh oooh oooh

Memories together
You stayed on my mind
Every time we drifted away

Melodies forever
Playing on rewind
Call me if you wanna make the
Same mistakes

Ooh oooh oooh oooh
Ooh oooh oooh oooh
Same mistakes
Ooh oooh oooh oooh
Ooh oooh oooh oooh
Same mistakes
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